Monday, April 5, 2010

It's not about finding the right person

Someone once told me, "It's not about finding the right person, it's about being the right person." We were talking about marriage, of course. So upon the start of my second marriage, I made a conscious effort to be the right person. I often ask myself, am I the kind of wife I would want to have? Invariably, the answer is no, which sends me back to the drawing board. But my husband, who is the right person, continues to be the right person and constantly forgives me with the brush of a hand like it's no big deal. You can't control other people, but you can be the kind of ___________ (fill in the blank) you would want to have, whether that is a boss, mom, wife, friend, employee, or neighbor. You can live your dream, with or without the support of others, but it's easier with it. So offer the support others need to help them live their dreams and be the kind of _________ you would want to have.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Red Sox

I am not sure what it is about the Red Sox. Listening to Jerry Remy or Joe Castiglione brings memories of my dad working out in his garage with the game on. Every game. No matter if they were in last place. Which they were at times. My dad died at the age of 56 in 1993 and never got to see the Red Sox win the World Series. So when they won in 2004 and again in 2007, I had a tough time not getting choked up. My dad cheered for them and always kept the faith. So it's good to be a fan of the Red Sox. It teaches you patience. And humility.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Working with a few big clients in the next couple weeks. Looks like NHWIB is moving to the next level.

Interviews for NHWIB

I hope everyone enjoyed the interview with Jan Sheehan, Physical Therapist, and the first of four guests during Women's Health Month on NHWIB. Jan is a wonderful person and very skilled. She also teaches rug braiding, has a booth at the Deerfield Fair where she sells canned food (yum!) and she owns horses! Just a few of the things we didn't get to hear during the interview.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Interviews for NHWIB

I had the most excellent day. My friend, who is a personal chef, came over and cooked a surprise birthday meal for my husband. While she prepared the meal, I interviewed her for her business, The Daily Dish ( After my husband came home, I also asked him some questions and then tonight I recorded my kids with their comments. Very cool. The meal, by the way, was totally awesome!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Marketing myself

The only way people will sponsor NHWIB is if they get to know me personally (or close to it). So I spend time on FB, my website (the old one), and emails to let people get to know me. I also network like crazy. Someone suggested I interview myself on my show. Not unless I want to bore people to death. Once people get to know me, if they like me, they are more likely to be interested in sponsoring NHWIB. Because they are buying me.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My husband calls it yogurt

I spent an hour with Karen Kenney from Quest Yoga of Chichester this afternoon. She has agreed to be on the show, so we thought it would be a good idea for me to experience yoga first hand. She suggested we do some Thai Yoga Massage then some group yoga classes.
So today was the Thai. I was excited to have someone work on my muscles since I have been going to physical therapy for muscle tension in my neck and back. Karen did an excellent job finding out about me first, then explaining what she was going to do. Thai Yoga Massage is different, because the instructor moves the student into stretches and positions for relaxation. I will admit it is difficult to not "help" move your arms and legs around. Once we were done, I was able to lie there for a minute and relax before I went home. Karen really took her time to explain the importance of maintaining the benefits of yoga. I am looking forward to attending group classes and having Karen on the show.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Epsom rocks!

Today we had 26 (26!) people at our Epsom Networking group. I can't get over how excellent that is. We enjoyed a great presentation, introduced 6 new people, and connected with some friends. I love meeting new people and learning about what they do outside of work, because that is who they really are.

Later today I did another interview for NHWIB that will be on 2/13. Allison from Tutor Doctor. She has become a good friend in a short time.

Can't wait to see everyone again tomorrow in Chichester.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Networking works!

Who says networking doesn't work? I get more calls from interested parties from networking events than I do in 100 cold calls. Not to mention the fabulous people you meet, most of whom become your friends.
Got three calls this week from almost complete strangers who I met either at an event I was at or I was recommended by someone I met at a networking event. You can't put a value on that. Correction. That is priceless!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Website Woes

Up until 11:30 sending mp3 files so they can be posted in the archive spot. Up at 6:30 with Little Buddy. Sales meeting at 10:30.
Important client meeting tomorrow in the morning. Looking for long-term sponsors for the show takes a long time.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Website- Sort of

I have been waiting patiently for my new laptop which I got yesterday but couldn't work on until about 8:30pm since I had to get the little guy to bed and get ready for company today. So when I finally turned it on, I began sending my archived mp3 files of previous shows to the nice young man who is building my website for me.

However, if a person's email can't handle large files, they never reach them. So for over an hour I tried to send shows to him and only one made it. Now I will be sending them in segments. I desperately want to get the site up by the end of the week.

Keep looking for an announcement on FB for the official launch of Thanks for your support!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

NHWIB-Getting started

My name is Joanne Randall and I host a new show on WTPL in Concord called NH Women In Business. The whole idea of hosting my own show came from wishing I had some way to have instant credibility with clients. I figured it would be much easier to get in the door with perspective clients if I said I was the host of a show. It worked, but I never realized what kind of commitment I was making. If I did, I probably would have been scared off. I am glad we don't always know the risks before jumping in. It would stop a lot of us from trying new things.

We have been on air on Saturday mornings at 8am since November 2009. I have met some pretty incredible people, which makes all the effort worth it right there. I would like the show to go a little longer and maybe a little later in the morning. But I am not sure I am ready for that yet. Since I do all the recording, editing, and production, I would need to be ready to commit even more time to the show. And I am still selling air time to regular clients at the same time.

By the way, I work part-time. The good news is that I set my own schedule and that is just awesome. But it is tough to get everything done.

Until next time,
