Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why Do People Do What They Do?

I am presenting some material tomorrow (Wednesday 12/28) about behavioral styles. This knowledge is helpful in all aspects of life, but interestingly enough, can be used to close the sale.

Understanding someone's behavioral style can give you incredible insight into what motivates them, and therefore, how to give them what they really want, so they want to give you what you want. It is pretty simple really. You can finally understand why your teenager rolls her eyes at you when you come in the room. Or why your toddler won't cooperate during bathtime. As well as why some people at work seem to fly off the handle (probably a Controller). Others quietly plod along at the same job for 40 years. If you are saying, "Wow, I would never do that!" it is because that person is an Analyzer and you are not.

Each person's behaviors demonstrate how that person feels about the way things should be. Since that is different for everyone, based on their experiences, everyone has a different idea of how things should be. And therefore, their behavior is different.

Pretty simple really.

Want to learn more? Contact me to do a workshop in your workplace. Your Sales Director will thank you.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Testing out my new mobile blogging abilities. Technology is so flippin' cool!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Good presentation on Slide Share about some basic Social Media strategy. Nice job, guys!
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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Today I had a panicky moment. I was ready to leave the house to run in the Jingle Bell Run in Concord, NH. The sitter, who lives next door, was late, so I sent my daughter over to see if she was on her way. She told her that she would be right over. I left because my daughter is perfectly cabale of watching our little guy for short periods of time.
I went to Concord and registered and was waiting at the start line when my daughter called. The sitter wasn't coming. My daughter then said, "Don't worry, Mom. I can do it. We will have something for snack and watch a couple movies. We will be fine."
Deep breath. "OK, I told her. But you have your phone (yes), it's charged, (yes), and the doors are locked (yes). Well if you need help, you can go next door to either neighbor's house (yes, mom, I know). OK, well I will call you when I am done."
Well, I really didn't need to panic. My daughter had everything under control and my little guy was a great listener for her. My husband called her every 15-20 minutes to make sure she was OK, which she was. I was forced to trust her in a big way for about 3 hours and she really did great. She sure is a great kid.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Importance of Sundays for Your Business

Sometimes people ask me if I ever take time off. The answer is yes and no. I mean, right now it is Sunday morning and I am typing a blog. Not exactly unplugged. But this morning my whole family sans one is here, we are all in our pajamas, not yet showered, full tummies, just sitting around talking about how much we love hanging out together. My three-year-old this morning says (unsolicited), "Oh, Mom. You're a great Mom." So I taught him to say to his sister, "You're the best sister in the whole wide world!" I tried to say, "What am I going to do when my kids are grown?" but I couldn't because after the first two words I got choked up. My husband chimed in with ,"By then we will have grandkids." Excellent. More pajama time. Is tomorrow Monday morning? Bring it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Self-Employment has its Benefits

Today I spent 8 hours on a hard wooden bench in a courtroom waiting for a decision from a judge two counties away. 8am to 4pm. No lunch. Finally at 4pm word came that everything was progressing to the next step and I could go home.

A few years back, had I been in this scenario, I would have been angry, impatient, frustrated, worried, and maybe sick to my stomach. Not for the reasons I was in court, but because it would have required me to take time off work from employment. It would have cost me two days of earned paid time if I had it available, not to mention having to explain to my boss that I needed to take the time off - with no warning. But today, as I sat there, chatting with my attorney, I felt peaceful, happy, comfortable, and confident that everything would turn out fine, and that all my clients and appointments would be understanding of me having to reschedule our meetings. This was the reason I have always wanted to work for myself. Not because of control or money or any of those things. But because I want - no, I deserve - to have the flexibility to take care of the important things in my life without hesitation. Have courage, ladies! Take the risk and go forward with confidence. You deserve your "why".