Thursday, December 1, 2011

Self-Employment has its Benefits

Today I spent 8 hours on a hard wooden bench in a courtroom waiting for a decision from a judge two counties away. 8am to 4pm. No lunch. Finally at 4pm word came that everything was progressing to the next step and I could go home.

A few years back, had I been in this scenario, I would have been angry, impatient, frustrated, worried, and maybe sick to my stomach. Not for the reasons I was in court, but because it would have required me to take time off work from employment. It would have cost me two days of earned paid time if I had it available, not to mention having to explain to my boss that I needed to take the time off - with no warning. But today, as I sat there, chatting with my attorney, I felt peaceful, happy, comfortable, and confident that everything would turn out fine, and that all my clients and appointments would be understanding of me having to reschedule our meetings. This was the reason I have always wanted to work for myself. Not because of control or money or any of those things. But because I want - no, I deserve - to have the flexibility to take care of the important things in my life without hesitation. Have courage, ladies! Take the risk and go forward with confidence. You deserve your "why".

1 comment:

  1. Joanne, this is so true. Being our own boss has WAY more rewards than the negatives. We all deserve our "why" and when we know what it is...everything else just falls into place.

    Louann Cormier
