Thank you to everyone this week for all the birthday wishes. I think the best app Facebook has is the ability to see who’s birthday it is. Facebook is a relationship developer and whether you see a person face to face or not, you can build a level of understanding about people. Watching interactions of words, photos, and stories allows you to comprehend people individually and as a whole. Just dropping a quick hello or happy birthday may not seem like a big deal but it is meaningful to the recipient. I received over 200 messages on Facebook this week and it really gave me a boost. If you want to make a difference to someone this week, take a minute to chat with them, even if it is for just a minute online. If you want to make a difference to a client this week, connect with them on Facebook and allow them to get to know you. Oh yeah, and ask them to like your page.
p.s. Please like my page!
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